Speaker Profile Professor Chaim I. Waxman

Chaim I. Waxman is Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Jewish Studies at Rutgers University and a Senior Fellow at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute in Jerusalem. He has a B.A. and M.H.L. from Yeshiva University, an M.A. and Ph.D. from the New School for Social Research, and studied in Yeshivat Kerem BeYavneh in 1958-59. In addition to numerous articles and review-essays in the areas of political sociology, ethnicity, and social thought, his books dealing with Jews and Judaism include America's Jews in Transition ; American Aliya ; Jewish Baby Boomers: A Communal Perspective ; Tikkun Olam: Social Responsibility in Jewish Thought and Law (co-editor); Historical Dictionary of Zionism (co-author); Jews in Israel: Contemporary Social and Cultural Patterns (co-editor); the forthcoming (2008) Orthodox Forum volume, Religious Zionism Post Disengagement: Future Directions (editor); and, with Shalom Z. Berger and Daniel Jacobson, Flipping Out? Myth or Fact: The Impact of the "Year in Israel."